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Mindfulness For Teachers & Professors

Professional development: Mindfulness workshops for teachers

Teacher education tends to focus on pedagogy, with little-to-no time spent on the social, emotional and cognitive demands of teaching itself. Learning mindfulness can allow teachers to stay focused on their experience in the present moment—without judgment—by being more aware of their inner and outer experiences and learning more skillful ways to manage stress and difficult emotions.

Meditation is a microcosm, a model, and a mirror. The skills we practice when we sit are transferable to the rest of our lives. - Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness
Social-emotional learning pioneer Daniel Goleman discusses how regular periods of rest throughout the school day help the brain learn more efficiently.

Mindfulness is also a self-care tool that allows us to restore our energy; it’s like the in-flight oxygen mask analogy: even though our instinct is to put the oxygen mask on a child first, we need to put it on ourselves first so that we can help that child. Similarly, the more we take care of ourselves, the more we can give back—in the classroom, to our families, and in our life.

During our half-day and full-day workshops (length can be tailored to the school’s needs), teachers will:

  • learn what mindfulness is through a variety of experiential practices
  • learn to better understand thoughts and emotions
  • learn some tools to cope with stress more effectively
  • learn about mindful communication and other informal mindfulness practices
  • have the opportunity to participate in discussions and ask questions
  • leave with enough resources to begin a personal mindfulness practice

For teachers who have an interest in bringing mindfulness in to the classroom, the essential way to start is with a regular personal mindfulness practice. As Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), says, “Teaching mindfulness is an inside-out job” which is why most teacher trainings require a minimum of six month to a year of daily personal practice as a prerequisite to begin teacher training.

Whether or not your intention is to bring mindfulness into the classroom, you will leave this workshop with enough resources to start your own personal practice and, hopefully, inspiration to keep learning!

For more information, please contact Jennifer at [email protected].


Article in Greater Good Magazine: “Seven Ways Mindfulness Can Help Teachers” by Patricia A. Jennings, a leader in the fields of social and emotional learning and mindfulness in education. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/seven_ways_mindfulness_can_help_teachers#thank-influence

Video: Social-emotional learning pioneer Daniel Goleman discusses how regular periods of rest throughout the school day help the brain learn more efficiently.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaaOm0Gpk1o&feature=youtu.b (or see above)

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