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Empty Boat On A Lake

Empty Boat On A Lake

The Zen concept of “empty boats” introduces a profound perspective on emotional balance and equanimity, derived from a story shared by Chinese philosopher Chuang Zhu. This timeless tale offers valuable insights for navigating life’s challenges with grace.

In the story, a man joyfully sails his freshly painted boat on a foggy day, only to have it damaged by a collision with another boat. Filled with anger, he berates the absent boat’s owner, but upon closer inspection, he finds the boat empty, adrift on the lake due to the wind’s force. Suddenly, his anger dissipates like salt in water, replaced by a sense of acceptance and a simple plan for touch-ups later.

When I first encountered this story during a silent retreat at the Spirit Rock Meditation Centre near San Francisco, it left a lasting impact on me. The tale’s essence has stayed with me since, prompting me to wonder: What if we approached everything in life as an empty boat? Even when faced with apparent wrongdoing, can we recognize the emptiness within others’ actions, realizing they stem from their own conditioning and reasons unrelated to us?

Embracing the notion of empty boats invites us to experience life as the unfolding of conditions rather than entangling ourselves in reactive thoughts. As we release the need to blame or harbour hatred, we create space for a more compassionate and peaceful living. The driver who cut us off in traffic, the harsh comment from a boss or relative, or the impatience of a service provider—all these encounters become opportunities to respond with an “empty boat” frame of mind.

With this perspective, we shed disempowering narratives like “He pissed me off” or “She made me so angry.” No one can make us do anything; we retain the power to choose our responses. This doesn’t imply passivity in the face of injustice, as we can stand up for ourselves without resorting to anger or hatred. Avoiding such reactions prevents further harm and suffering for ourselves and others.

The more we observe, the more empty boats we encounter all around us. Embracing this frame of mind becomes a transformative practice for living in peace. As we navigate life’s waters, may the wisdom of “empty boats” guide us toward greater understanding and compassionate living.

Author: Jennifer Innes


